Will my current training data be saved if storage limit exceeds?

I currently am running a training job and my free storage is about to exceed the limit, will wandb still save and update the current run even if it exceeds for me to access later when i free storage or buy storage?

Also I have deleted artifact versions and freed up space, but the available storage has not updated yet.
Lastly, if I delete the earlier versions, the latest version has all the data up to that point right? I will not loose any previous data?

Hey @nnazjargal, thanks for your question! If you exceed the limit then you won’t be able to access the UI to visualize your project. Would you mind sharing the name of the entity and the artifact version that you deleted but is still there so I can double-check?

if I delete the earlier versions, the latest version has all the data up to that point right? I will not loose any previous data?

You can check data under that version by going to the artifacts tab of the project and selecting the version. Then, you’ll be able to view files under it to know which ones will be deleted if you remove the version

Hey @nnazjargal, just wanted to follow up here! Mind sharing if my response above was helpful?

Hey @nnazjargal! Since we haven’t heard back, I’ll go ahead and close this ticket for now. Please feel free to re-open it if needed. Thanks!