Unable to view the point cloud on the visualization board

I use the following code to log a .npy point cloud

import wandb

import numpy as np


path= './602.npy'

run = wandb.init(settings=wandb.Settings(start_method="fork"), project="segment", name="experiment_2", id="logging_ptcloud_new", resume = "allow")

xyzi = np.load(path)

xyzi = np.array([list(x) for x in xyzi])

x = xyzi[:, 0] # XYZ coordinates

y = xyzi[:, 1]

z = xyzi[:, 2]

intensities = xyzi[:, 3] # Intensity values

formatted_point_cloud = np.stack((x,y,z, intensities), axis=1)

valid_mask = np.all(np.isfinite(formatted_point_cloud), axis=1)

clean_point_cloud = formatted_point_cloud[valid_mask]

assert np.all(np.isfinite(clean_point_cloud)), "Point cloud contains NaN or infinite values"

run.log({"point_cloud": wandb.Object3D(clean_point_cloud)})

But I get the following error , while trying to view it on the dashboard-

Error: r._engine is null

Is there any issue in the code?
Here is the pointcloud if needed: