Custom settings for wandb.Object3D

I wonder if @team can add some custom seetings for wandb.Object3D.
Af first I tried to use Plotly to achieve custom 3D point cloud visualization, but I saw team says Plotly is not supported now in github issue.
For example, point size, backgorund color, etc.
It would be really nice for 3D task.

Hi @justice, I can put in a feature request for this. Could you elaborate a little more about the specific controls you were hoping for so I can better communicate with the engineering team all of the controls you were hoping to have?

Also, is the issue with Plotly specificly related to 3D objects or Plotly in general? We do support adding Plotly charts but if there is an issue with uploading 3D Plotly objects I can see if this is intended behavior or a bug.

Thank you,

Also, is the issue with Plotly specificly related to 3D objects or Plotly in general?

I’m not sure about other Plotly function is function properly or not, but at least I’m sure about Plotly 3D object isn’t function properly in wandb’s table. Here’s the realted github issue I found.

Could you elaborate a little more about the specific controls you were hoping for so I can better communicate with the engineering team all of the controls you were hoping to have?

  1. point size control
  2. background color control
  3. relative coordinates on the side of the charts to get an idea of the 3d object’s size
  4. customizable default view angle (in the thumbnail)
  5. mesh support
  6. voxel support
  7. separate color arrays, rather then tied with point sets defaultly. (Optional, since users can still do some array operations to change that in current wandb.Object3D.

Thanks in advanced!

Also, I think it would be great if wandb can support a time lapse video/gif demonstrating how the prediction deformed/changed along with epochs without doing a lot of coding.

I know users can do it in various ways, but it would be a nice feature to have if wandb can support it natively and effortlessly, no matter it’s an image or a 3D object.

@justice thank you for the details! I’ll capture this and pass it on to our engineering team and will follow up with you here if we are able implement any of these features.

Does the workaround of converting the Plotly figure to html and wrapping it in a wandb.Html() object work for some of these features in the meantime?

I’m not sure about if wandb.Html() will work or not.
I’m not so familiar with html, but I don’t think html can do something like rotating the 3d object as in Plotly? I didn’t really give it a try through.

Hi @justice, I wanted to check in and see if you had gotten the chance to try out the HTML method. I’ve went ahead and put in a feature request but wanted to see if this was working as a temporary workaround?

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