Sync offline Run in a other machine

Hello, I ran a Unet on an other machine whithout internet and retrieved the offline Run. I am trying to sync it with wandb but, there are en issu that say:

wandb: ERROR Uploading artifact file failed. Artifact won’t be committed.
wandb: ERROR Error uploading [Path of the artefact on the other machine] : FileNotFoundError, [Errno 2] No such file or directory: [Path of the artefact on the other machine]

When I searched for a solution, I couldn’t find anything that realy helped and all the last topics had been finished whithout solution or answer from person who questions.

I tryed this:

  • !wandb sync --project [the name] --entity [the name] [the path]

  • !wandb sync [the path]

  • wandbId=wandb.util.generate_id()
    !wandb sync [the path] --id wandbId

Thank you for your time, I hope you can help me

Have a good day

Hi @seirihiri, thanks for writing in! In order to sync your run, you need to have it under the folder wandb/offline-run-<date_time>-<run-id> which is created by default when you execute your offline run. Could you please make sure that this folder exists and then run wandb sync <path to run folder> if you want to sync an specific run or wandb sync --sync-all if you want to sync all runs (docs here)?

Hello, this document is create, there is no problem with this part.

The problem is with the file in the directory wandb/offline-run-<date_time>-<run-id> which is name, run-2pch16mp.wandb for me. In this file, they are a part where he call artifact at a specific adress on the original computer. Exemple:
storageLayout"V2""Ž ?media/classes/99a736c11d116504b33cd665c82578ca_cls.classes.jsond4Xyvg8rzyrpfp12eRJNHg== Z2O/home/.cache/wandb/artifacts/obj/md5/77/85f2be0f2bcf2ae97e9d7679124d1e"– %media/images/019575fbc7635ac842d2.pngAZV1+8djWshC0s0BMUfS+w== ȇ2O/home/.cache/wandb/artifacts/obj/md5/01/9575fbc7635ac842d2cd013147d2fb"– %media/images/03f0392f2ffbda0f67d6.pngA/A5Ly/72g9n1rEtoo1k/g== œ˝2O/home/.cache/wandb/artifacts/obj/md5/03/f0392f2ffbda0f67d6b12da28d64fe"– %media/images/04a1b3c0e7ead0fa5726.pngBKGzwOfq0PpXJvGHqQDSIA== ƒ˝2O/home/.cache/wandb/artifacts/obj/md5/04/a1b3c0e7ead0fa5726f187a900d220"–

But, in the computer where I can sync, I dont have the artifacts in the same directory. I try to change the path in the document run-2pch16mp.wandb but it made a error like invalid header maybe because this file was not UTF-8 encoded.

If I ignore the error: wandb: ERROR Uploading artifact file failed. Artifact won’t be committed. wandb: ERROR Error uploading [Path of the artefact on the other machine] : FileNotFoundError, [Errno 2] No such file or directory: [Path of the artefact on the other machine] and let run the sync with it, nothing appears in wandb.

(sorry for my english, it’s not my native language)

So, I want to know if it’s possible to :

  • say to wandb: " my artefact are in an other directory that mension in the file run-2pch16mp.wandb"
  • run offline without creating artifact
  • change the path by hand in the file without making an error
    or another solution that overrides the error

thank you

Hi @seirihiri, thanks for the explanation! You can set the artifacts folder with the env variable WANDB_CACHE_DIR and point that to the folder you want. Regarding the artifacts created when running offline, it depends if you’re creating them or not (they can be created not only when logging an artifact but also when logging tables for example). Let me know if this helps!

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Thanks, I will try this as soon as I can. I will let you know if it is the solution.

Sounds good! Keep me updated.

Hi there, I wanted to follow up on this request. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance or if your issue has been resolved.

sorry for the time, I didn’t have time before today to test the solution so it works.

Thanks you

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