How can I use artifacts without actually enabling wandb syncing? Sometimes I want just to play around my notebook without logging anything, but using data/models logged as artifacts in my project. I think I can do it via cli but I would like to know if there’s something I’m missing in the API.
The thing is that I want to be online, but just to use/download artifacts, but not for logging anything. In other words, I want to be able to download from my project but not to upload.
An alternative to 4 + 5 would be to turn on anonymous mode for your training, everything will be tracked and synced to a temporary anon account and not linked to your account
Thanks! The anonymus mode could do the trick for me…however, I can’t udnerstand how it exactly works. I’m trying the colab notebook they provide, setting anonymous=must but it still creates a run linked to my account
hmmm ok, I guess maybe you have to log out…will forward that feedback. Maybe instead of anonymous you could use set the mode parameter to offline, or disabled then
Yes that’s what I used to do (mode=disabled) when my run does not use artifacts as input datasets. The problem is that with mode=disabled I cannot use artifacts