How to delete only one billing seat?

I use it in my team.
What should I do to reduce the bill by one person this time by reducing one person?
I can delete members, but I can’t find the item for deleting sheets。


I am not understanding your request well enough. What team are you a part of and what is your username?

our team is spaceshift (company). There are 5 members.

Thank you! Please what is your username on your wandb account?


As I mentioned before I am not understanding your request. Could you please elaborate further? What do you mean by reducing the bill by one person? Do you mean deleting seats?
Also I couldn’t find spaceshift as an organization on the platform. Could you please let me know your username?


Could you please get back to me on your username?

What do you mean by reducing the bill by one person?

yes! my username is syuchimu

sorry, too late response.

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