Hi all!
This thread is for discussing, Q&A, and everything else for the #5 meetup of the book reading group.
This week we’re officially wrapping up Part 1 of the book and will start diving into an end-to-end project using Part 2! We’ll start understanding what CT Scans are and how to work with them using torch.
A CNN is a Deep Learning algorithm that can take in an input image, assign importance (learnable weights and biases) to various aspects/objects in the image, and be able to differentiate one from the other.
Is it possible to change the convolutional kernel to other shapes? For example, instead of this cross shape of 1s, can we choose a different shape? see kernels types Kernel (image processing) - Wikipedia
I always start with a Resnet too. But this is an interesting question, I think it’s good to explore and build intuitions on different architectures, ex. when to go for mobilenet, resnet etc… Are there any resources on this? I’ll try to explore too.
Yup, we can do that but it’s going to be a bit tricky and will require little bit of an extra effort.
You can check this answer from ptrblck on Pytorch Forum
Higher dimension kernels mean more parameters and the numbver of parameters increase exponentially. Also seeing the receptive field compunds as we go down deeper in the network, 3 x 3 kernels do the job well so we may not necessarily need to use larger size kernels.
However, one can always experiment and find new things emerge !
i think that Resnet 50 is okay, i often apply it when i am working on object detection, i want to explore whether i can revise them or not with my own project or my own custom dataset !