Say hi & share your MLOps horror stories! 🧟‍♂️

I am Prabhav. I am interested in deep learning for gesture recognition (action recognition task). WandB is awesome! :raised_hands:


Hello… I am Santosh.

  • Pursued Mechatronics degree (2021 undergrad)

  • Now started as data engineer

  • trying my best to work on computer vision and robotics. wanna pursue masters in these two fields


Thank you @bhutanisanyam1 (First mention badge, yes! Haha! :grin:)


Hi! I’m Naveen. I am from India.

I am a machine learning engineer at Sensara Technologies, where I work on image/video content analysis using computer vision and deep learning techniques.
I’m currently working on video understanding for long-form video content such as Movies, TV Shows.
My interest in ML started as part of my undergrad summer research project in the year 2016. After my graduation in 2018, I have been working as an ML Engineer.

:full_moon_with_face: / :new_moon_with_face: — Currently in dark mode but I think I’d prefer Light mode.

You can connect with me here :
Twitter :
LinkedIn :
Website :

Looking forward to meet new people in the community, learn, collaborate and work together. :slight_smile:



My Name is Pablo, I’m a software developer and musician. But I love science, and AI is particular area that I’m currently expanding myknowledge into.

Hope to share and learn a lot here.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Hi, my name is David Dirring.

I live in the Atlanta, Georgia (in USA), working as a data scientist at a large home improvement retailer.

I have been data storytelling and data wrangling for over 14 years now. A few years ago, I started to teaching myself ML through the fastai course and other methods. I think of it as – instead of using my data skills to feed a report or pptx or story, my skills are now feeding models.

I have two ML projects at work – a binary classification model (currently in prod) and a anomaly detection model.

I usually find myself in – BigQuery, Jupyter, Tableau, Powerpoint, Slack, or Teams.

Thanks! David


We’d love to hear more about your projects @ddirring (and others)!


Hello! I have been working on smart advertising system which uses face recognition, age, and gender prediction for personalized ads. I am also planning to include shopping history (like amazon) to make them more personalized and show discounts and stuff.

I started my PyTorch journey through Andrej (AI director of tesla). He told they use PyTorch for all their work. I had just started TensorFlow and Keras then and switched immediately. I think it has been amazing so far.

Also completed some basic PyTorch, now i have been working for projects like image captioning and stuff. It been great meeting all of you today.


HI all,

I’m Mani from the UK, big fan of W&B, have used it a lot when kaggling, and doing personal projects. Also active on the W&B slack channels now and then.

You can read all about me here and also find out about my latest musings on kaggle. I also write on Medium via the handle neomatrix369 and post my projects on Github via neomatrix369.

Would love to connect with each one of you and learn from all the AI/ML goodness you bring to this community.



Hey Carlo, good to see you here!

1 Like

Hello everyone,

I am Sonu Jha from Mumbai, India. I am a web developer at Accenture.

I have been learning Machine Learning for the past 2 years.

Vote: Dark Mode




I’m Chinmay, a Master’s student in ECE at NC State University! I was a Machine Learning Engineer at Persistent Systems in India before starting my Master’s in the US. I’ve spent time working on Deep Learning for biomedical imaging. I love to see models reach production (I’ve trained and deployed models for systems that are in use right now!) and the fun challenges along the way! I have a fairly up-to-date homepage with more info here:

I think I’ll be using wandb a lot for my Master’s projects!

  • :earth_americas: — San Francisco
  • :hammer_and_wrench: — Putting words in order @ W&B
  • :full_moon_with_face: — Light mode (don’t judge me)
  • :honeybee: — He/Him

Hi all! My name’s Justin and I run a bunch of content programs here at Weights & Biases. I wanted to stop by and say hi and also mention that if you ever want to have some of your work featured in our Fully Connected blog, I’m the guy to reach out to. I’m at if you have pitches, cool projects your want to share, or research the world needs to see. Thanks!


Hi wandbers,

I’m Sayantan and I research geometry and generative models (
Feel free to contact me. I love to have a chat on using wandb and math for machine learning.
‘night’ mode forever.


Hi, I am Ayush Kothari from Surat, India. I still feel pretty new to ML/Dl though I’ve been messing and trying a bit since a year XD Currently doing(struggling) the “Deep Learning for coders” course and looking forward to learning a lot and contribute. And dark mode, pretty obvious duh. :))


Hi, I’m Bibhabasu
Currently learning pytorch and New to Wandb community , will try to contribute and learn !!


Hi this is Jixiong. I am new to W&B community and just started to learn how to use WB MLOps platform. This is such a great tool and I am so excited. Thank you all!


Hi, I’m Ahmed Elhag, a student in the African Master’s of Machine Intelligence (AMMI). AMMI is a fully funded master program hosted by the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) sponsored by Google and Facebook.
Recently I joined Weights & Biases, and I am willing to learn more and use it for my projects.
Thanks all!


Hi! :wave: My name is Ashutosh. I am a Ph.D. student at the Indian Institute of Science.

  • :earth_americas: — India :india:
  • :hammer_and_wrench: — Controlled Decoding Strategies for NLP (+ data-augmentation)
  • :seedling: / :herb: / :deciduous_tree: — 5 years
  • :full_moon_with_face: / :new_moon_with_face: — Light mode
  • :link:Twitter , Webpage
  • :honeybee: — he/him

I am looking forward to brainstorming ideas in NLG and reading group meetings!


Hi! :wave: I’m Kimin, a student senior.

  • :earth_americas: — Korea, seoul
  • :hammer_and_wrench: — Currently I am focused on Computer Vision. Also I am interested in Representation learning and self-supervised learning.
  • :seedling: — 1+ years (self-taught)
  • :new_moon_with_face: — dark mode