Run initialization has timed out after 90.0 sec

Run initialization has timed out after 90.0 sec.

i got this error in my code, can anybody help me??

Hello @alifadji135!

To get an idea of why the error could be occuring, could you answer the following:

  • What wandb SDK version are you using?
  • Are you running any sort of distributed training process?
  • Could you try running export WANDB_INIT_TIMEOUT=120 prior to running your script & let me know if you’re still running into this error? With certain networking setups, sometimes initialization can take a bit longer. If you could also try running export WANDB_HTTP_TIMEOUT=60 , that would be helpful too.
  • Have any network/firewall settings on your machine changed recently? Sometimes firewalls or antivirus software might prevent wandb from sending/receiving requests.
  • If you could send over the debug.log and debug-internal.log files associated with the run that is encountering this, I’d love to take a look. They should be located in the wandb folder in the same directory as where the script was run. The wandb folder has folders formatted as run-DATETIME-ID associated with a single run.

Hi Alif, since we have not heard back from you we are going to close this request. If you would like to re-open the conversation, please let us know!

Would you be able to reopen this and provide an answer? The error message you receive when this happens is not particulary helpful. For example:

CommError: Run initialization has timed out after 90.0 sec. 
Please refer to the documentation for additional information:
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Same problem here, any answers? This happens suddenly without any changes in code

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Same problem here, any answers? This happens suddenly without any changes in code

Same problem here. Any solutions?