Image plotting tells lies(samples are not from the same iteration when not trained)!

As you can see, when I push the image slider to 13500, while the red model is not trained yet to that iteration, the wandb shows a sample for it. I guess it is the last sample of the model, but wandb I guess at least show exactly from which iteration this image is coming from because I think this way is misleading. I mean, if someone does not pay attention they may think they are comparing the quality of the samples at the same number of iterations.

Hi @miladink,

Thank you for reporting this. Would it be possible for you to share a link to the page where you are seeing this behaviour? I’ll report it to our engineering team to have this issue resolved.


Hi @miladink,

I wanted to follow up here with you. Would it be possible to share a link where you see this behavior? It will be very helpful for us to debug this issue.


Hi @miladink, since we have not heard back from you we are going to close this request. If you would like to re-open the conversation, please let us know!

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