How to split runs (because of lack of multithreading) given a metric?

Hello everyone :slight_smile: ,

I am using wandb to log multithreaded runs (using Jax), as it is not supported as of now all of the metrics are logged on the same run. However, as I log the timestep, I do have the right values for all of the threads (see picture). Would there be a way to, a posteriori, split a wandb run into multiple runs based on the timestep that I track (getting the i-th value of every metric to generate the i-th run)? Or is multithreading supported now so I can init a wandb run per-thread?

The goal is to be able to use Jax to parallerize runs over different params/seeds (which it is already doing) while also logging on wandb (which it is only doing for one run at a time, the others being overwritten as a single wandb init can be used at once on a single process it seems).


Hey @yann-berthelot, since multithreading isnā€™t supported currently, I have a few suggestions:

  • If JAX supports this, I recommend having separate wandb.init() calls with different run ids in different threads in order to get different runs - you can generate different run_ids using
run = wandb.init(

If youā€™d like to generate separate graphs with metrics at specific timesteps, you can do this a few ways.

  • You can download the charts as CSVā€™s and log the specific values you desire to new runs using wandb.log()
  • Alternatively, you can also do this through the UI, but these panels would remain in the same run. I attached a screenshot of where you can do this, after making duplicates of the panels you desire.

Please let me know if either of these options work for you, and if you have any further questions!

Hi @yann-berthelot , since we have not heard back from you we are going to close this request. If you would like to re-open the conversation, please let us know!

HI @uma-wandb
Iā€™m also interested in this, for a different use case. Do you confirm wandb is thread-safe, in that you can have each thread have its own wandb run?


I tried what you proposed (which only make the last run initialized log, the others staying empty) but I think I misunderstood how Jax was actually working it parallelization. As it is vectorizing the computations it is only processing a single batch of data in a single thread but with multiple sub-batches corresponding to each separate experiment. However your solution would surely work for multiprocessing, which I cannot experiment with at the moment, so I cannot say for sure.

In order to work around this I built a script that fetches the ā€œmergedā€ run (containing the values for all experiments, as see above. Where each tilmestep has multiple values corresponding to each ā€œparallelā€ experiment.) and splits it in N different runs (by taking 1st element of every timestep for run #1, 2nd element of every timestep for run #2, ā€¦, N-th element of every timestep for run #N).
So, assuming you have already run your job that uploads a run with multiple values per timestep (10 in my case), here is the code that Iā€™m using if that can help somebody (itā€™s not very general but itā€™s a start) :

Extract multiple runs from a merged-wandb run due to lack of multithreading.
import glob
import json
import os
from typing import Any, Generator, Optional

import wandb
from tqdm import tqdm

WandbRun = Any
os.environ["WANDB_ENTITY"] = "yann-berthelot"

def get_last_run(user_name: str, project_name: str):
    api = wandb.Api()
    runs = api.runs(f"{user_name}/{project_name}")
    return runs[0]  # last run

def split_run(run: WandbRun, num_splits: int) -> tuple[list, dict, str]:
    Split the last wandb run.

        user_name (str): The user for which to select the run
        project_name (str): The wandb project run
        num_splits (int): The number of runs to split into

        tuple[list, dict, str]: The split runs, the config, and the original run name

    history, config, name = get_history_config_and_name_from_run(run)
    return (
        [list(history)[i::num_splits] for i in range(num_splits)],

def get_config_from_run(run: WandbRun) -> dict:
    """Extract config from a wandb run"""
    return {key: value["value"] for key, value in json.loads(run.json_config).items()}

def get_history_from_run(run: WandbRun, page_size: int = int(1e6)) -> Generator:
    Extract history from wandb run

        run ( The wandb run to consider
        page_size (int, optional): How much steps to process at a time,\
              the higher the better perf. Defaults to int(1e6).

        Generator: The history of the run

    return run.scan_history(page_size=page_size)

def get_name_from_run(run: WandbRun) -> str:
    """Extract name from wandb run"""

def get_history_config_and_name_from_run(run: WandbRun) -> tuple[Generator, dict, str]:
    """Extract history, config, and name from last wandb run with the given\
          user and project"""
    return get_history_from_run(run), get_config_from_run(run), get_name_from_run(run)

def upload_runs(project_name: str, run_name: str, runs: list, config: dict) -> None:
    """Build the runs locally then upload the collected runs"""
    for i, run in tqdm(enumerate(runs)):
        run_config = config
        run_config["seed"] = i
        wandb_run = wandb.init(
        # Build
        for step in tqdm(run, leave=False):

        # Upload
        BASE_FOLDER = "./wandb"
        file = glob.glob(f"{BASE_FOLDER}/*{}")[0]
        os.system(f"wandb sync --clean-force {file} ")

def split_runs_and_upload_them(
    user_name: str,
    project_name_in: str,
    num_split: int,
    project_name_out: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
    Split the defined wandb run of the project/user into runs into the project_name_out.
    First run is the 1st element, then the 1 + num_split-th element etc ...
    Second run is the 2nd element, then the 2 + num_split-th element etc ...

    If no project_out is given, take the initial project.

        user_name (str): The user to consider.
        project_name_in (str): The project to take the last run in.
        num_split (int): The number of splits to make.
        project_name_out (Optional[str], optional): _description_. Defaults to None.
    print("Splitting run")
    run = get_last_run(
        user_name, project_name_in
    )  # TODO :Be able to work with other runs? by name ?
    runs, config, name = split_run(run, num_split)
    if project_name_out is None:
        project_name_out = project_name_in
    print("Runs split. Uploading runs.")
    upload_runs(project_name_out, name, runs, config)
    print("Uploading done.")

if __name__ == "__main__":
        project_name_in="Benchmark delay merged",
        project_name_out="Benchmark delay merged out",
        num_split=10,  # TODO : is it possible to infer?

I guess it would be nice to have such a functionality natively.

Have a nice day,


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