How to download the learning curves of grouped runs


Is there a way to download the learning curves of grouped runs? For grouped runs, the learning curves have shaded area. Does that represent the standard deviation or the 95% confidence interval? And can we download them (the grouped curve, not the individual ones) in a python script so that we can customize the plot with matplotlib or seaborn? Thanks.

Hi @taochen, currently it isn’t possible to download these curves but you could recreate them by downloading all of the run data. The shaded area represents the variance by default but this can be changed in the graph settings. Could you let me know what you are looking to customize in Matplotlib and perhaps we could make a feature request to make this available in the UI?

Thank you,

Thanks, Nate. That makes sense. I am trying to redraw the figure in matplotlib so that the figure is better suited for paper publications. For example, customize title, font, x/y title, etc.

Hi @taochen, I wanted to check back and see if you were able to recreate these with the downloaded metrics or if you would like for me to submit a feature request around this?

Thank you,

Yes, I figured out a way for this.

Great, glad to hear it!

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