I was wondering if it’s possible to delete an artifact that is a reference to an S3 object.
I mean deleting it within weight and biases but also from S3.
If it’s not built-in, is there any webhook that I can use to delete my model in S3 when deleting it from W&B?
The flow would be :
Train => Push metrics to W&B, push model to S3, add the S3 reference of the model as an artifact in W&B.
Evaluate, do some comparison, ML magic, etc…
Deciding to delete the run as another was better. Delete in W&B, which will remove all the run and all the files in S3 associated with this run.
I apologize, but we don’t support web hooks to S3 currently. The most secure way to programmatically delete your artifacts would be through Amazon’s Boto3 API.