❌ Cannot run wandb verify against api.wandb.ai

I’m struggling with error: Cannot run wandb verify against api.wandb.ai on windows 11
Relogging, recreating access token didint work

PS C:\projects\nersent\prompusie> wandb verify
Find detailed logs for this test at:

PS C:\projects\nersent\prompusie> python --version
Python 3.10.10
PS C:\projects\nersent\prompusie> wandb --version
wandb, version 0.16.1

Hi @xnerhu! Thank you for writing in!

Could you please downgrade wandb to an earlier version such as v0.15.12 and see if you are still running into this concern?

Still doesn’t work.

PS C:\projects\nersent\prompusie> wandb --version
wandb, version 0.15.12
PS C:\projects\nersent\prompusie> wandb verify
Default host selected: https://api.wandb.ai
Find detailed logs for this test at: C:\Users\xnerhu\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpelujy1oq\wandb
Cannot run wandb verify against api.wandb.ai

It’s definitely not on my side, as my friend has the same exact issue. Also it doesn’t work on any machine I use wandb on. runpod, windows, macos.

Oh quick question!

Are you running this against the public cloud or against your local instance?

Wandb verify, will only work against the local instance you are using, and will not work with wandb.ai.

I’m not running local instance, I’m using only official cloud instance.

If that’s the case, then what about, which also occurs to me despite having correct authentication key

wandb: ERROR Error while calling W&B API: An internal error occurred. Please contact support. (<Response [500]>)

Are you seeing:
wandb: ERROR Error while calling W&B API: An internal error occurred. Please contact support. (<Response [500]>)
every time you call wandb.init? if so:

Could we try completely resetting your login information and see if that works for you?

  1. run rm ~/.netrc (will remove and refreshes login credentials)
  2. run wandb login --relogin --cloud

Or alternatively, in your testing script you can include:
wandb.login( key="<your api key>")

Tried those 2 approaches already, with no success.

Btw, the .netrc file looks like this:

machine api.wandb.ai
  login user
  password __PASSWORD__

Could you run:

import wandb
run = wandb.init()

And then send me the full console log output of that run.
If the run throws an error, could you please provide the debug.log and debug-internal.log files associated with the run where you are running into this issue? These files should be located in the wandb folder relative to your working directory.

I found the issue. I used emoji in the run name. I removed it and anow it works.

With emoji:
ERROR Error while calling W&B API: An internal error occurred. Please contact support. (<Response [500]>)

Thanks @artsiom for your help.

That’s great news! Thank you for the update, that is good to know.

Happy Holidays! :slight_smile: