Automatically expand panels + ensure plotly plot fills entire panel with a minimum height

Hello. I am logging plotly (graph object) plots to wandb, and would like to:

  1. ensure the plot is “above the fold”, as far as I can tell, this can be accomplished by logging with wandb.log{'aaaaa/my plot', plot_object) because wandb orders sections alpha-numerically.
  2. I would like this section to automaically be expanded on visiting the run page - at the moment it is hidden and I have to click a toggle to expand it.
  3. I would like to ensure that the plot fills the screen with a minimum height of e.g. 800px. Can I accomplish this with certain layout options?
 fig = make_subplots(rows=2, cols=1, shared_xaxes=True, specs=[[{"secondary_y": True}]] * 2)
 fig.update_layout(title_pad_t=30, legend=dict(yanchor="top", y=-0.1, xanchor='center', x=0.5))

Many thanks

Hi @idk

Thank you for reaching out for support. I’ll be glad to assist you with this. We’ll investigate this and get back to you for updates.

Carlo Argel

Hi @idk ,

Apologies for the late response.

  1. To ensure your plot appears at the top, you can use the method you mentioned. Weights & Biases organizes logged panels in the UI using the / as a separator. The part of the logged item’s name before a / defines a group of panel called a “Panel Section”. These sections are ordered alphabetically by default. So, logging your plot with a name that comes first in alphabetical order, like aaaaa/my plot , should place it at the top.

  2. Currently, there is no feature to automatically expand a section when visiting the run page in Weights & Biases. The user must manually click to expand the section.

  3. To make the plot fill the screen, you can use the update_layout function of the plotly figure. However, the actual size of the plot on the Weights & Biases UI might still be limited by the UI design. You can experiment with the layout options to see if it helps. If you want to change the size of the plot, you can use the width and height parameters in the update_layout function. For example:

python    fig.update_layout(        autosize=False,        width=1000,        height=800,    )    

This will change the size of the plot, but it might not necessarily make the plot fill the screen in the Weights & Biases UI.In summary, while you can control the order of the sections and the layout of the plot, some of the UI behaviors (like automatic expansion of sections and making the plot fill the screen) might not be fully controllable.

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Hi @idk ,

I just want to follow up if this helps with your concern.

Carlo Argel

Hi @idk , since we have not heard back from you we are going to close this request. If you would like to re-open the conversation, please let us know!

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