API permission problems when doing Sweeps

Hello everyone.
I get this error when trying to do sweeps:

wandb: Using wandb-core as the SDK backend. Please refer to wandb/core/README.md at main · wandb/wandb · GitHub for more information.
2025-01-31T11:50:04.249972283Z 403 response executing GraphQL.
2025-01-31T11:50:04.250008946Z {“errors”:[{“message”:“permission denied”,“path”:[“upsertSweep”],“extensions”:{“code”:“PERMISSION_ERROR”}}],“data”:{“upsertSweep”:null}}
2025-01-31T11:50:04.250068851Z wandb: ERROR Error while calling W&B API: permission denied (<Response [403]>)

The unique aspect is that it works when I execute my code locally.
When trying to deploy it via kubernetes, it doesn’t (normal runs work though, so the API key and the way I insert the key has to work).
Is there something different between an API call to do runs vs. sweeps that could explain this?

Thanks in advance for any help!