WandB artifact cache directory fills up the home directory

Need a follow-up on this issue. I am nowhere more than what mjvolk3 has mentioned in the last comment in the thread.

I am stuck with exactly the same issue and would appreciate any help/workaround regarding this.

Hi @satyarth934 ,

I would like to clarify if this is what would you like to happen:

to change the path of the directory where W&B will cache your artifacts by setting an environment variable WANDB_CACHE_DIR?

hello @satyarth934 ,

I would like to follow up on our requested information please, thanks.

Hi @satyarth934 ,

since we have not heard back from you we are going to close this request. If you would like to re-open the conversation, please let us know!


Following are all the environment variables that I am setting to make sure none of the files are stored in ~/.local/share.


But despite setting all these variables, I still get data dumped in ~/.local/share after each run.
Right now I using the same workaround as mentioned in the previous thread - creating a symbolic link for a directory outside the home directory.

So to answer your question (@joana-marie), no that is not what I want because I have already tried it and it doesn’t solve my issue.


Hi @satyarth934 , could you try setting WANDB_DATA_DIR to set the path of your staging directory and see if this helps.

Hi @satyarth934 , since we have not heard back from you we are going to close this request. If you would like to re-open the conversation, please let us know!

Hi @mohammadbakir
Yes, that helped. Thank you so much.

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