Is there a way I can access the nested dictionaries in the run.config object for custom panels, weaves and reports. Apart from sweeps, I am manipulating a variable space and logging them as an array to the config as below:
I would like to access and visualize/summarize this variable in text or weave form. However when I call run.config in a weave, this variable doesn’t show up even though I can see it in the run overview.
Thank you for your support!
Thank you for writing in. Can you please provide me a link to your workspace as a reference and also list the specific panel you are attempting to perform this action. Thank you
As we have not heard back from you regarding this request on weaves. I will be closing out this support request. Please do reach back out again if you have any questions or require additional support.
Sorry for my late reply and thank you for your response. I replicated the issue in this project. I would like to access config.observation.experiment, which is a dict of the form {'observation/experiment': {'A': True, 'B': False}} but as you see in the sample panel I am unable to get a meaningful summary.