Problems about Error Run when using wandb.agent

Hello, I have some problems when reproducing the results using code here: oscarclivio (Oscar Clivio) · GitHub neuralscorematching.
When I run the file:, I get the error like: ERROR Run ur2vuu27 errored: FileNotFoundError(2, ‘No such file or directory’)

I ran the codes via vscode and using one cloud service autodl considering the hardware of my computer.

the link is GitHub - oscarclivio/neuralscorematching.

I just want to know whether the reason is that these are not in the same folder.

Hi @yangby35, thanks for reporting this! Could you please share with me the debug files under wandb/run_date_time-ur2vuu27/logs and the full trace of the error that raises? As this issue seems to be raising when initializing the run, it could be caused because of a wrong dir argument in this line, could you please check? Regarding the wandb folder, it’s created when initializing a project and we store there all the files created by the project, but it shouldn’t be affecting the execution.

Hi @yangby35, I just wanted to follow up here! Would it be possible for you to share with me the debug files under wandb/run_date_time-ur2vuu27/logs and the full trace of the error that raises? As the issue seems to raise when starting the run, it may be caused because of a wrong dir argument in this line, could you please check? Thanks!

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