I am getting this error:
$ python3 wandb-python4.py
wandb: W&B API key is configured. Use wandb login --relogin
to force relogin
wandb: Network error (SSLError), entering retry loop.
wandb: Network error (SSLError), entering retry loop.
Problem at: /home/hp/wandb-python4.py 4
wandb: ERROR Error communicating with wandb process
wandb: ERROR For more info see: https://docs.wandb.ai/library/init#init-start-error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/hp/wandb-python4.py”, line 4, in
run = wandb.init(project=“wandb-test”)
File “/home/hp/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/wandb/sdk/wandb_init.py”, line 1078, in init
run = wi.init()
File “/home/hp/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/wandb/sdk/wandb_init.py”, line 719, in init
raise UsageError(error_message)
wandb.errors.UsageError: Error communicating with wandb process
For more info see: https://docs.wandb.ai/library/init#init-start-error
wandb: Waiting for W&B process to finish… (failed 1). Press Control-C to abort syncing.