Hi everyone,
I’m trying to move from tensorboard
to wandb
that seems more flexible and has some useful additional feature to customize plots.
In my code I defined two Tensorboard
; I’d like to import the plot associated to one of them in wandb
In other words I want to include in wandb
only a part of the tensorboard
logs of my code.
Is it possible to do it?
If, for example, I have the 2 summaries stored in 2 different folders a and a/b
Sum1 = SummaryWriter('a')
Sum2 = SummaryWriter('a/b')
and I’m only interested in import Sum2 in wandb
I thought that
wandb.tensorboard.patch(root_logdir='a/b', pytorch=True)
was the way but it doesn’t seem the case.
In fact I get this message:
e[34me[1mwandbe[0m: e[33mWARNINGe[0m Found logdirectory outside of given root_logdir, dropping given root_logdir for eventfile in a
I want that paths outside root_logdir to be ignored.
Apart from this page I did’t found a clear documentation about wandb.tensorboard.patch.
Any idea about how to proceed?