Hi. I have a project with >3K runs and I would like to obtain the Mean of a metric (e.g. accuracy, f1) across all my runs.
For example, on the runs table, I have a column “eval/f1” that contains the f1 performance on the evaluation set (at the best epoch) for each run. I would like to compute the Mean of the column which would be the Mean of the f1 performance on the development set across all runs.
I can get this number by editing the plot (Grouping) corresponding to this metric: activating Runs, grouping by None and aggregating with Mean. However, this plot can show up to the first 1000 runs (sample runs). Is there a way to obtain this plot using all 3K runs?
If not, knowing how to take the mean of the corresponding column on the Runs tables would do for my purposes.
Thanks a lot.