Deleting corporate account (2)

Hi, I would like to delete a corporate account I created by mistake, it’s called thyssens-universit-t-hildesheim. Instead I wanted to create an academic account.

Many thanks in advance

Hey Daniela,

Thanks for reaching out. You have taken the correct path here by which I mean that you are on a trial which is the route to obtaining an academic account. would you object to going to to apply for an academic subscription? After you have gone through the application your subscription should be converted to academic.

Please let us know how you get on here and look forward to hearing back.


Dear Daniel,

I hope that you are doing well. I wanted to reach out again and see if you needed any further assistance in obtaining an academic subscription.

Look forward to hearing back from you,

Best wishes,


Dear Daniela,

I hope that you are doing well and apologise for the slight name typo (missing a from your name) in the previous message.

Since we have not heard back from you I’ll go ahead and close this off for you just now but please do reach out for any further assistance you require on this or anything else WandB related.

Best wishes,
