I was using wandb offline on kaggle. During submission time Internet has to be disabled I noticed that even if you mention the wandb key in secrets, it won’t be able to fetch it because
Hey, you are correct that Kaggle User Secrets cannot be used when the internet is turned off. I tried it myself and running a cell with the code snippet shown below throw the ConnectionError: Connection error trying to communicate with service error.
I don’t think you need to log in to use W&B offline. The whole idea of using offline mode is to write metrics easily on a disk which can later be synced online with a single command line.
Over Kaggle, if you have turned off the internet (submission kernel) you simply need to do these steps:
import wandb
>>> 0.10.33 # Note that the Kaggle W&B version is always few versions old but we can't pip install.
!wandb offline
>>> W&B offline, running your script from this directory will only write metadata locally.
# Example logging
for i in range(10):
wandb.log({"i": i})
>>> wandb sync /kaggle/working/wandb/offline-run-20210906_152752-3mkpi45e # You get the path to the directory where the run is saved.
I made this kernel to show the flow. Let me know if it’s what you are trying to do.
I have a question from you - Why do you want to use W&B with the submission kernel? Would love to know your thoughts.
Thanks for the notebook. 2 kernels are good but that’s not always the case.
Sometimes when I create a baseline, I tend to create a single kernel to keep it simple just like here. If you edit, you will be able to see the below code I used to setup wandb.
#Intialize wandb run
if config['use_wandb']:
import wandb
from wandb.keras import WandbCallback
from kaggle_secrets import UserSecretsClient
if config['wandb_mode'] == 'offline':
os.environ["WANDB_MODE"] = "offline"
user_secrets = UserSecretsClient()
wandb_api = user_secrets.get_secret("wandb_api")
run = wandb.init(project='chaii',
group =config['group'],
config = config)
LOGGER.info("Wandb is initialized")