I am doing a sweep over multiple parameters. For every configuration, I also have a seed to control randomness.
For instance, let’s say I am sweeping over learning rate in [0.1, 0.01] and batch size in [16, 32]. This will give me 4 runs, and for each I will have two runs with seed 1 and 2, treated as hyperparameter, for a total of 8 runs.
I’d like to average ALL plots over the 2 seeds. So, instead of having 8 curves per plot I’ll have only 4.
I can do this manually by grouping over learning rate and batch size. However, in practice, I have way more hyperparameters than 2, and I don’t want to manually add all of them one by one to the group.
Is there a way to, basically, “group over all but one” hyperparameter?