This week
- Week 15: Chapter 15 - Application Architectures Deep Dive (September 22)
Previous weeks
- Week 14: Chapter 14 — ResNet
- Week 13: Chapter 13 — Our first CNNs from scatch
- Week 12: Chapter 13 — What is a convolution, really?
- Week 11: Chapter 8 and 13 — Introduction to convolutions
- Week 10: Chapter 8 — Movie recommendation using fastai
- Week 9: Chapter 7 — Training SoTA on ImageNet
- Week 8: Chapter 6 — Regression (+ Kaggle’s Cassava competition)
- Week 7: Chapters 5 and 6 — Pet Breeds & Multi-label Classification
- Week 6: Chapter 5 — Pet Breeds
- Week 5: Chapter 4 — Stochastic Gradient Dissent
- Week 4: Chapter 4 — Going Deeper into Computer Vision with MNIST
- Week 3: Chapters 2 and 3 — DL Models in Production & Ethical Concerns
- Week 2: Chapter 2 — DL Models in Production & Validation Sets
- Week 1: Chapter 1 — Introduction to Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Week 0: AMA with Jeremy Howard
All recordings
Recordings of all the previous sessions are in this playlist.