Wandb: 429 encountered Filestream rate limit exceeded

Hi, is it possible to increase the rate limit for wandb?

It’s getting quite intrusive in the training process with lots of failure messages such as: wandb: 429 encountered (Filestream rate limit exceeded, retrying in 2.2 seconds.)

Thanks in advance :handshake:

Hi @alex-desroches7,

Happy to help. We have doubled your rate limit to the maximum allowed to our free users. If you prefer not to work through constraints of rate limits, we highly recommend using wandb locally on your machine. Please see our free self-hosted solution to set up, Basic Setup | Weights & Biases Documentation. Marking this resolved but please do let me know if you have any questions.


I have also encountered this issue - is it possible to increase the rate limit for my wandb account too?


+1 here. It is blocking every training job I have…

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I am also encountering this issue; all training jobs fail. Can you please increase the rate limit for my account?

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Im encountering this issuecas well. Can you please increase my rate limit as well. Thank you

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Same. Is there something wrong?

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Same, it blocked many of my training jobs…

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yep, same here as well; looks like it’s a prevailing issue (bug) on the wandb side? I did not change anything on my code

Same here!!
Looks like an outage in wandb ?

The same session that worked 8 hours ago doesn’t work now. I’m seeing the same issue. Has there been changes on the server side? Is there any way for us to monitor the rate limit?

Same. I meet this issue too. Is there any possibility of increasing my rate limit, too? Thank you very much!

Hi, I also started experiencing this issue about 4 hours ago. I would appreciate it if this issue could be investigated timely! :pray:

It blocked all my jobs too. Could you please increase the rate limit for my account?

Hi, I also started experiencing this issue.

I am encountering the same issue, starting from several hours ago.

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Same ! I will be happy if you can increase my rate limit !
Thanks !

Hi, I also face same issue, please could you increase my rate limit?
Thanks in advance

Same here! Will appreciate it if you could increase my rate limit. Thanks so much!

Same problem here, and my use of wandb is very limited. I do sequential runs and only log every ~30 seconds.

It seems to be a general problem because a lot of people are experiencing it at the same time.