Wandb: 429 encountered (Filestream rate limit exceeded, retrying in 4.2 seconds.), retrying request

Having issues with exceeding the filestream ratelimit. I assume this is due to running a number of jobs in parallel. Is there anyway to alleviate this? Thanks in advance.

Hi @stephen-mulligan

Good day and thank you for reaching out to us!

We are happy to help you on this request. It appears that the process you were running overwhelms the system. For these cases, we had to rate limit you to maintain site stability.

We are working on improvements to improve our overall capacity — the rate limiting was a protective measure until we can deploy these changes.

We can increase your limit but before we proceed, can you describe to us your experimental setup, and what you are attempting to accomplish using the SDK?

Please also note that rate limits are being applied on the project level. Alternatively, you can try to log your data on a new project so you can proceed with your experiments. Let me know if this helps.


Hi @stephen-mulligan , since we have not heard back from you we are going to close this request. If you would like to re-open the conversation, please let us know!

Hi I got a wandb 429 file rate limit exceeded. How can I remove that ?
I’m working only on 1 project (subnet25). I’m not on the others anymore.

Thanks !

@ltlhuuu Are you still getting the same errors as of now?