Permission error when fetching artifact

I have created the following script to fetch certain tables from certain runs as artifacts. While the artifacts are found I cannot download them as I lack permissions although I am logged in. I tried with my project set in all 3 visibility settings

def fetch_and_plot_confusion_matrix_from_artifact(project_name, run_name, table_key="Training Confusion Matrix"):
    Fetches a confusion matrix stored as a table artifact in W&B and plots it.

    - project_name: Full W&B project name (e.g., 'entity/project_name').
    - run_name: The name of the run to fetch.
    - table_key: The key in the summary field containing the confusion matrix table.

    - None (plots and saves the confusion matrix).
    api = wandb.Api()

        # Find the specific run by name
        runs = api.runs(project_name)
        for run in runs:
            if == run_name:
                print(f"Found run: {run_name} (ID: {})")
                # Fetch the table metadata from the summary
                table_metadata = run.summary.get(table_key)
                if not table_metadata:
                    print(f"Table key '{table_key}' not found in summary.")
                # Extract the artifact collection name and alias
                artifact_collection = "Training Confusion Matrix"  # Replace with your collection name
                artifact_alias = "v0"  # Replace with the desired alias (e.g., "v0", "latest")
                print(f"Fetching artifact: {artifact_collection}:{artifact_alias}")
                # Fetch the artifact explicitly
                artifact = api.artifact(f"{project_name}/{artifact_collection}:{artifact_alias}")
                artifact_dir =

                # Locate the table JSON file and load its contents
                table_json_path = os.path.join(artifact_dir, table_metadata["path"])
                with open(table_json_path, "r") as f:
                    table_data = json.load(f)

                # Extract the confusion matrix and class names
                columns = table_data["columns"]  # Columns of the table
                data = table_data["data"]  # Rows of the table
                class_names = [row[0] for row in data]  # First column contains class names
                confusion_matrix = np.array([row[1:] for row in data])  # Remaining columns contain the matrix

                print(f"Confusion Matrix:\n{confusion_matrix}")
                print(f"Class Names: {class_names}")
                # Plot the confusion matrix using your provided function
                fig = plotNSaveConfusion(confusion_matrix, class_names, "reconstructed_confusion_matrix", "Reconstructed Confusion Matrix")
                # Save and optionally display the figure

        print(f"Run with name '{run_name}' not found in project '{project_name}'.")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error fetching or plotting confusion matrix: {e}")

# Example usage
project_name = "kuthesis/KU AI Thesis"  # Replace with your W&B project name
run_name = "dry-bee-1130"  # Replace with your W&B run name
fetch_and_plot_confusion_matrix_from_artifact(project_name, run_name, table_key="Training Confusion Matrix")

If you could offer any help I would appreciate it.