Hi all! I’m logging some images to my dashboard using this code:
box_data = [{
"position": {
"minX": xywh[0] - 3, # ignore the weird -3/+3 hardcoded offsets
"minY": xywh[1] - 3,
"maxX": xywh[0] + 3,
"maxY": xywh[1] + 3},
"class_id": int(cls),
"scores": {
"class_score": conf},
"domain": "pixel"} for *xywh, conf, cls in pred.tolist()]
boxes = {"predictions": {"box_data": box_data, "class_labels": names}} # inference-space
self.bbox_media_panel_images.append(wandb.Image(im, boxes=boxes, caption=path.name))
My images are filled with tiny cells and I want to have the cleanest visualization of my bounding boxes, without any captions/class labels. Therefore I’m purposefully not filling in the box_caption
arg, but the visualization seems to default back to the class_id
label, which is mandatory. I then still get images where the labels obscure other cells:
Any way of just visualizing the bounding boxes without captions or labels?