I have a FastAPI application which heavily uses W&B, celery for queue management, and loguru for logging.
When we don’t use celery, we have the logs in W&B but when we use Celery tasks, we’re experiencing inconsistent log capture by Wandb. Currently:
- Print statements are being captured and appear in the Wandb output.log file.
- Loguru logs are not being captured by Wandb.
- Default Python logging is not being captured by Wandb.
wandb version: 0.18.3
python version: 3.11.10
Operating System: MacOS and Ubuntu
Celery version: 5.2.7
Loguru version: 0.7.2
Expected Behavior:
All the stdout (console) logs should appear in wandb → runs > run > logs. but it’s only getting the print statements not default python loggings and loguru logs.
Piece of code that we enqueue experiment:
experiment_json = json.dumps(
experiment.model_dump(), default=pydantic_encoder
experiment_json, wandb_id, wandb_run_name, user_id
def enqueue_experiment_with_priority(
experiment_json, wandb_id, wandb_run_name, user_id
experiment_data = json.loads(experiment_json)
queue_name = "default"
logger.info(f"Enqueueing experiment for wandb_id: {wandb_id} in {queue_name} queue")
args=[experiment_json, wandb_id, wandb_run_name, user_id], queue=queue_name
celery = Celery(
broker=os.environ.get("CELERY_BROKER_URL", "redis://localhost:6379"),
backend=os.environ.get("CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND", "redis://localhost:6379"),
celery.conf.task_default_queue = "default"
def create_celery_experiment(experiment: str, wandb_id, wandb_run_name, user_id):
logger.info(f"Starting experiment creation for wandb_id: {wandb_id}")
with ExperimentRunner(
class ExperimentRunner:
def __init__(
expr: Experiment,
user_id: str = "",
wandb_id: str = "",
wandb_name: str = "",
Logger is initialized before wandb initialization.
Please let me know if the description is not enough or I should provide any specific details.
Any idea why it’s happening? and possible solutions?
I appreciate your help