Logged value available in graph panel, but not in columns

Hi Leslie,

I apologize for not responding earlier. I assumed to be notified by e-mail when this thread is updated. Probably I need to check my settings, or “watch” this thread.

I log via Pytorch Lightning:

wandb_logger = WandbLogger(project=settings.project_name, log_model=True)
wandb_logger.watch(model, log='gradients', log_freq=50, log_graph=True)

The actual code for the logging is this:

temp_accs_top_k = {f'{k:->4d}': v for k, v in zip(settings.ks, temp_accs)}
lightning_module.log(f'{split}/temp_top-k', temp_accs_top_k, batch_size=lightning_module.batch_size)

That looks a bit odd I suppose. The code is in a function that I call from several different pl.LightningModules. The variable lightning_module refers to that module. The parameter temp_accs_top_k evaluates to (straight from the debugger):

{'---1': 0.00019996000628452748, '---2': 0.00019996000628452748, '---3': 0.00039992001256905496, '---5': 0.0005998800043016672, '--10': 0.0005998800043016672, '--20': 0.001399720087647438, '--50': 0.004199160262942314, '-100': 0.007598480209708214, '1000': 0.08318336308002472}

Which is wrong. But I am seeing the values in the graph panels (see attached screenshot).
Screen Shot 2022-03-22 at 21.52.37

I changed the code so that temp_accs_top_know contains {'test/temp_top-k.---1': 0.2963850498199463, 'test/temp_top-k.---2': 0.3962452709674835, 'test/temp_top-k.---3': 0.44557619094848633, 'test/temp_top-k.---5': 0.5052925944328308, 'test/temp_top-k.--10': 0.5733972191810608, 'test/temp_top-k.--20': 0.6277211904525757, 'test/temp_top-k.--50': 0.6810465455055237, 'test/temp_top-k.-100': 0.716596782207489, 'test/temp_top-k.1000': 0.802676260471344}.

I log in a loop since Pytorch Lightning can’t log a dict (I believe). I know that wandb does it, but I need the batch_size parameter (I have two dataloaders with different sizes/lenghts and need to make sure that Pytorch Lightning does not get confused with steps/epochs).

for k, v in temp_accs_top_k.items():
    lightning_module.log(k, v, batch_size=lightning_module.batch_size)

Update: just realized that Pytorch Lightning has a log_dict function which lets me get rid of the awkward for loop.

So the “bug” is more like “why did it work in the first place (in the graph panels)?”

Hope that’s not too much to digest and it is traceable.
