Filestream rate limit exceeded 429 error

I’ve been using wandb for a few weeks now, and today I tried logging 4 runs simultaneously from 3 different devices, getting a 429 error. I stopped everything and tried to run things individually one by one sequentially, but I am still getting this error even though I am trying to run things the way it has worked well for the last few weeks. Thanks in advance for any help you could provide!!

Hi, the model I ran yesterday was larger than the one I started with today. However, I have the same 429 error as the user above.


Hello @g-castiglioni & @dumbdude ,

We encountered some issues this weekend that resulted to Rate Limit errors. Our engineers were aware of this and took care of it. Could you please try again and confirm if it is now working on your end?

Joana Marie

Hello @joana-marie
It is now working perfectly Thank you very much!