I have been running several test on differents on different projects and I am struggling for doing something pretty simple I think.
I have run a sweep in a project:“project 1” for testing for hyperparameter.
A bit later I modified a bit my architecture and run another test and send it to another project: “project 2”.
Now I want to compare some of the run of project 1 with the one of project 2. I tried to use the option move, however the runs I moved disappeared from project1… and I don’t want that… How can I copy the run from one project to another one (Q1)
Moreover I did not logged my hyperparameter for project 2. Can I add them manually from wandb interface ? (Q2)
Finally I don’t understand why some hyperparameters of my run for project 2 were not logged I did the following:
import wandb
import stuff
define model and dataloaders
wandb.init(project="Structural encoder", entity="barthelemymp")
wandb.config = {
"num_layers": 6,
"forward_expansion": 2048,
"batch_size": 10,
"Encoder": "Structural"
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
wandb.log({"Train loss": mean_lossTrain, "Val Loss":mean_lossVal, "epoch":epoch})
In the end on wandb website for this run I see only the trainloss valloss and epoch but not the config. What have I done wrong ? (Q3)
Lot’s of Question in one post, but any help will be appreciated,