Copying run from a project to another and adding the right hyperparameter


I have been running several test on differents on different projects and I am struggling for doing something pretty simple I think.
I have run a sweep in a project:“project 1” for testing for hyperparameter.
A bit later I modified a bit my architecture and run another test and send it to another project: “project 2”.
Now I want to compare some of the run of project 1 with the one of project 2. I tried to use the option move, however the runs I moved disappeared from project1… and I don’t want that… How can I copy the run from one project to another one (Q1)
Moreover I did not logged my hyperparameter for project 2. Can I add them manually from wandb interface ? (Q2)

Finally I don’t understand why some hyperparameters of my run for project 2 were not logged I did the following:

import wandb

import stuff
define model and dataloaders

wandb.init(project="Structural encoder", entity="barthelemymp")
wandb.config = {
  "num_layers": 6,
  "forward_expansion": 2048,
  "batch_size": 10,
  "Encoder": "Structural"

for epoch in range(num_epochs):
      wandb.log({"Train loss": mean_lossTrain, "Val Loss":mean_lossVal, "epoch":epoch})

In the end on wandb website for this run I see only the trainloss valloss and epoch but not the config. What have I done wrong ? (Q3)

Lot’s of Question in one post, but any help will be appreciated,



Hi Barth,

That is the intended behaviour for the way projects, sweeps, and runs are structured. For your use case, I would recommend keeping everything you want to compare in the same project. There are various ways to keep things organized with tags and notes.

As for the config, you’ll need to call wandb.config.update(config_dict) to persist changes. You can read more about config here

All the best,


Hi Barth,

That is the intended behaviour for the way projects, sweeps, and runs are structured. For your use case, I would recommend keeping everything you want to compare in the same project. There are various ways to keep things organized with tags and notes.

As for the config, you’ll need to call wandb.config.update(config_dict) to persist changes. You can read more about config here

All the best,


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