Can I implement a custom stopping condition in an Evaluation in Weave?

I’m using Weave to evaluate a model on sentence pairs generated from a long text, consisting of a reference sentence and a changing potentially connected sentence. However, I don’t want to evaluate all pairs (too expensive) I want to stop further evaluation for a reference sentence after detecting three consecutive sentences that didn’t show a connection (so I move away from the reference sentence on a sentence-by-sentence basis, evaluating each sentence on the way and ideally stopping after three turned out to not show a connection).

Is is possible to add a condition to stop the evaluation loop when that condition is met? And if not, how would you set up an Evaluation for such a use case?

Hello Mirek!
You can achieve this by wrapping the “model” function in another wrap that has the behavior you want. For example:

dataset = [{'reference_sentence': ...}, ...]@weave.opdef eval_driver(sentence): missed_connection_count = 0 while missed_connect_count < 3: result = my_model_fn(...) ...eval = weave.Evaluation(dataset=dataset)eval.evaluate(eval_driver)

Best, W&B

Thank you, will try it out!

Sure! Please let me know if you have any more questions!

Hi Mirek,

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Hi Mirek, since we have not heard back from you we are going to close this request. If you would like to re-open the conversation, please let us know!