Agent not exiting in offline mode

When I perform a sweep in offline mode (wandb.init(mode="offline")), the agent never exists and waits for a new job.

this is how I perform my sweep:

def perform_wandb_sweep(configuration) -> None:
    sweep_id = wandb.sweep(configuration,

                function=lambda: perform_wandb_run(),

def perform_wandb_run() -> None:
    compute something

How can I fix that?

Hi @fryderykkogl! Thank you for writing in. Sweeps in offline mode unfortunately does not exist because sweeps needs internet connection in order to figure out the next combination of hyperparameters to call in your training script.

Hi there, I wanted to follow up on this request. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance or if your issue has been resolved.

Hi, since we have not heard back from you, we are going to close this request. If you would like to reopen the conversation, please let us know! Unfortunately, at the moment, we do not receive notifications if a thread reopens on Discourse. So, please feel free to create a new ticket regarding your concern if you’d like to continue the conversation.