Thank you so much @amanarora for all the time and energy you’ve been putting into these fastbook reading group sessions!
I look forward to continuing my deep learning journey in the PyTorch book reading group and Bi-weekly paper reading group.
Thank you so much @amanarora for all the time and energy you’ve been putting into these fastbook reading group sessions!
I look forward to continuing my deep learning journey in the PyTorch book reading group and Bi-weekly paper reading group.
Is it the last study group session?
Hey Aman,
Thanks for dedicating some of your time over these 15 weeks to us.
It has been a beautiful journey where I learnt a lot and I also had the opportunity to meet awesome people.
Not for only lessons, I just want to be part of this group for a long time. just for joy of learning.
Thanks Aman, for the wonderful sessions for the last 16 weeks.
Would it be possible to share a link to the kernel here so that we can see all the code?
That may make it easier for someone to debug the problem.
Here is the link fastai-dataloader-testing | Kaggle
So it looks like this was a bug (fastai/fastai #3416) that was squashed in v2.4.1 of fastai.
The kernel you shared shows v2.2.7 installed. You can run this in the first cell to upgrade fastai to the latest version: !pip install --upgrade fastai
and then it should work fine.